(Karine) Dear Miree, In your website, you are giving us the name of the website for KARATE called www.jkdindonesia.com (Kemang & Benhil). However, there is no information on the website. Does it still exist? Thanks to let me know asap.
(Miree) Hi Karine,
Sorry for the late reply.
I don't think it exist anymore. Maybe you can try this one :
Indonesia Karate-Do (INKADO)
Email: sekretariat@inkado.org ; fzsaidi@gmail.com
Website: http://induk-inkado.blogspot.com
Office: Sekretariat Induk INKADO
Location: Jalan Aselih No. 49 Rt.011 Rw.01 Cipedak, Jaga Karsa
Jakarta, Indonesia