(Michelle) Dear Miree,I am a pharmacist by training but currently work as a product manager in amultinational pharmaceutical company in Kuala Lumpur. My husband hasrecently transferred to Jakarta. I an planning to join him soon and at thesame time interested to look for a job in Jakarta. I would like to find outa few things from you.
1. How do i get about working as a pharmacist in a retail pharmacy? Is thereany local authorities/professional organization that i have to registermyself with in order to work as a pharmacist?2. Can you recommend some local indonesian HR companies that help to placenon-local like myself in local/multinationcal pharmaceutical companiesworking in the capacity as a product manager?
Thanks a million for your help.--Regards,
1. How do i get about working as a pharmacist in a retail pharmacy? Is thereany local authorities/professional organization that i have to registermyself with in order to work as a pharmacist?2. Can you recommend some local indonesian HR companies that help to placenon-local like myself in local/multinationcal pharmaceutical companiesworking in the capacity as a product manager?
Thanks a million for your help.--Regards,
( John) HI Miree. i hope you can heip me find a job over there in the mining game as aplant oparotor. EG - dump truck driver ,exavatour oparator .. or a job in aunder ground mine .any help would be great. thanks
(Miree) Hi Michelle & John, Thank you for your emails - I answered similiar to this question before. Please visit in this link to find the answer http://askmiree-whatsnewjakarta.blogspot.com/2008/06/finding-work-in-jakarta.html