Thursday, July 31, 2008

Where to find golf clubs and car rental services?

(Elly) Hi Miree, first of .. I think this is such a great website and service!!
Secondly, I was wondering if you can answer a few qst for me :o)

1) Do you know of a place or places in Jakarta or Bandung where we can getlocal inexpensive golf clubs and accessories? We have been looking around inthe Mall and they are just as expensive if not more compare to the states.We can find alot of things here in Jakarta, but somehow I still can't findany 'local' made golfclubs. Help?
2) Is there a service profider company you can think off that we can getaffordable car and driver rental from?
Thank you in advance for your help again.

(Miree) Hi Elly, Thank you for your email and support!
Please find the answers below to your questions -
1. You can try most the golf stores around Jakarta (some of which stock both original and non-original clubs) to try your luck and for Bandung you can try to buy golf clubs and/or accessories at the corner of Jalan Braga in Bandung.
2. You can find the list car rental services in All the best, Miree

How to Find a job in Jakarta ? ( Pharmacist & in Mining )

(Michelle) Dear Miree,I am a pharmacist by training but currently work as a product manager in amultinational pharmaceutical company in Kuala Lumpur. My husband hasrecently transferred to Jakarta. I an planning to join him soon and at thesame time interested to look for a job in Jakarta. I would like to find outa few things from you.
1. How do i get about working as a pharmacist in a retail pharmacy? Is thereany local authorities/professional organization that i have to registermyself with in order to work as a pharmacist?2. Can you recommend some local indonesian HR companies that help to placenon-local like myself in local/multinationcal pharmaceutical companiesworking in the capacity as a product manager?
Thanks a million for your help.--Regards,
( John) HI Miree. i hope you can heip me find a job over there in the mining game as aplant oparotor. EG - dump truck driver ,exavatour oparator .. or a job in aunder ground mine .any help would be great. thanks

(Miree) Hi Michelle & John, Thank you for your emails - I answered similiar to this question before. Please visit in this link to find the answer

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Aqua Aerobics Classes in Jakarta

(Mel J) Hi Miree, Are you able to tell me where I can do Aqua aerobics in Jakarta??? Thanks

(Miree) Hi Mel, MY BODY GYM have Aqua Aerobics classes at their two locations below.
Jl pecenongan Kav.7-17

Mon: 6:00pm-6.40pm
Wed: 6.00am - 7.20am
Phone : 231-6008
Fax : 231-6007
Email :

Apartment Senayan residenceJ
l patal senayan no.1-5Hours
Mon: 8:00am-9.00am
Sat: 8.00am - 9.30am
Phone : 300-42770
Fax : 300-42780
Email :
Have fun, Regards Miree.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Where to find a Tri-leg chair?

(Intan)Hi Miree, I'm looking for a Tri-leg chair shaped as the one in the attachedpictures.
The last time I've seen it in the duty free traditional souvenir shop atthe Soekarno Hatta airport.
I wonder where can I buy similar chairs and perhaps you can recommend meother stores?

(Miree) Hi Intan, I must admit I have not seen a Tri-leg chair in the time I have been in Jakarta, but places to start looking and asking at would be Chic-mart in Kemang Raya, Pasaraya and Trendy Home furnishing stores that stock leather goods. Also would be a good idea to take a picture around with you and one of the shops you visit maybe able to point you in the right direction. I will also ask around and see what I can come up with. Hope you are successful finding one. Regards, Miree.