Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Looking for someone to give me private swimming lessons in our pool

(Aileen) Hi Miree, how are you? I am looking for someone to give me private swimming lessons in our pool. I thought someone like a teacher at JIS would be ideal-some extra cash and we live close to JIS. I sent an email to the general inquiries email I got from the JIS website but never received a reply... Do you know any swimming teachers or physical Ed teachers who might be interested in giving intermediate lessons once a week?

See you at the St Pats ball in a couple of weeks! Thanks

Hi Aileen, great to see you read my blog. I do not know of any expatriates that give private swimming lessons, but have been told there is an Indonesian guy that does and speaks English. His name is Pak Dono and his mobile number is: 0818887116. See you at the Ball, cheers,