(Vandana)Hi Miree,I am looking for a skin treatment center providing facials of goodquality.> Pls adv. Thanks
(Miree) Hi Vandana,As you are living in Kelapa gading - you can find alot info about Kelapagading in http://www.malkelapagading.com/ - They have listing of beauty parlors.
And another suggestion from my good friend Linda Beatson;
Caroline Mulenga
Guinot Beautician
Jl Benda Atas 32A CIlandak 0813 17716011 carriethedub@yahoo.com
She is expat, recently arrived back in Jakarta, also does cosmetic tattoo. Good quality, so not a 'bargain' about 300 thou for a facial.
Also Rangoon Feliz in Cipete